
RECOVERY: Stronger than Ever

2021 Sermon Series – Lessons from the Prophet Ezra for God's People Today

We are spending a few weeks looking at the teachings of the prophet Ezra in his writings to God's people as they returned from The Exile. Nehemiah instructed the people on how to rebuild the walls and the city – but Ezra instructed them on how to rebuild their hearts as they returned to God's presence.

It is my sincere hope as your pastor that the next few weeks will prepare us for the revival that I am convinced that our God has in store for us as individuals as well as a church body as we represent Him in our community. It is my prayer that not only are WE revived in our relationship with God and each other, but also that this refreshing overflows out to our community as we Help People Discover Jesus Christ and Become His Followers.

Hope to see you this Sunday at 10:00 for worship!!! Pastor Darrin

Please Join Us!

Sunday School

9:00 am

Morning Worship

10:00 am

Bible Study

6:00 pm