
Blessed, Broken, Given

Throughout Scripture, we discover that nothing is as common as it seems, not even bread. Bread fell from heaven as a sign of God’s provision; bread became a metaphor for the law of the Lord. Jesus fed the multitudes with loaves of bread and referred to himself as “the Bread of Life.”

Then, on the night that He was handed over to suffering and death, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to His disciples as a picture of His body being given for the life of the world.

During the month of February, please join us on Sunday mornings as we learn that life, like bread, isn’t as ordinary as it may seem. We will see ourselves as Jesus sees us.

To be BLESSED is to recover your true identity and calling.
To be BROKEN is to be opened up to the grace of God.
To be GIVEN is to discover your mission for the life of the world.

May we all realize that our lives are powerful and sacred in the hands of Jesus.

Please Join Us!

Sunday School

9:00 am

Morning Worship

10:00 am

Bible Study

6:00 pm